EUROSON SCHOOL: Basic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Course

Basic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Course in Antalya, Turkey

April 27-29, 2023
Venue: Cornelia Deluxe Hotel Belek, Antalya, Turkey
Course fee including course registration, hotel for 3 nights & meals: 950, – €
Number of participants: 60
Language: English

Reserve your participation by email:

Educational Objectives

  • Identify normal musculoskeletal sonoanatomy
  • Perform systematic ultrasound scanning of shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, knees and feet
  • Know the basic pathological sonographic findings

Scientific Organizers

Prof. Wolfgang A. Schmidt
Immanuel Krankenhaus Berlin
Medical Centre for Rheumatology Berlin-Buch
Lindenberger Weg 19, 13125 Berlin, Germany

Prof. Ender Terzioglu
Akdeniz University Medical School Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology-Allergy,
07050 Antalya, Turkey 

Organizing Secretariat

Secretary: Prof. Dr. Ender Terzioglu
Akdeniz University Medical School Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology-Allergy,
07050 Antalya, Turkey

DMR Turizm
Kongre / Incentive / Organizasyon
Hollanda Cad. 696 Sok. No:22/9-10 06550
Yıldız – Çankaya / ANKARA – TÜRKİYE
Tel:  +90 312 442 01 50
Mobile: +90 530 409 41 54
Fax: +90 312 442 04 10


Faculty (Speakers; all speakers are EULAR teachers):
Dr. George Bruyn, The Netherlands
Prof. Muhammet Cinar, Turkey
Prof. Nevsun Inanc, Turkey
Dr. Petra Hanova, Czech Republic
Prof. Peter Mandl, Austria
Dr. Esperanza Naredo, Spain
PD Dr. Sarah Ohrndorf, Germany
Prof. Salih Pay, Turkey
Prof. Wolfgang Schmidt, Germany
Prof. Ender Terzioglu, Turkey


Additional tutor:

Prof. Hakan Erdem, Turkey

It is highly recommended to participate in the EULAR Online Introductory Ultrasound Course ( ) before attending this EULAR-endorsed Basic Ultrasound Course. The online course is required for those aiming at achieving Level I EULAR competency in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound.


Thursday, 27th April

Topic Speaker
8.00 Registration
9.00 Opening Ender Terzioglu
9.15 Principles of ultrasound Wolfgang Schmidt
9.45 Physics of ultrasound George Bruyn
10.00 What is what on an ultrasound machine? Salih Pay
10.15 How to sit and hold the probe Muhammet Cinar
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 How to sit and set the ultrasound machine Hands-on scanning
12.00 Sonographic pattern of musculoskeletal tissues Ender Terzioglu
12.30 Artefacts and pitfalls George Bruyn
13.00 Lunch break
15.00 Identify musculoskeletal tissues Hands-on scanning
16.00 Standard scans and anatomy of the wrist Muhammet Cinar
16.20 Life demonstration wrist Muhammet Cinar
16.30 Standard scans and anatomy of the fingers Sarah Ohrndorf
16.50 Life demonstration fingers Sarah Ohrndorf
17.00 Coffee break
17.15-19.00 Normal hands and fingers Hands-on scanning
19.30 Dinner


Friday, 28th April

Topic Speaker
9.00 Anatomy and standard scans of the elbow Petra Hanova
9.20 Life demonstration elbow Petra Hanova
9.30 Normal elbow Hands-on scanning
10.30 Coffee break
10.45 Anatomy and standard scans of the shoulder Wolfgang Schmidt
11.15 Life demonstration shoulder Wolfgang Schmidt
11.30 Normal shoulder Hands-on scanning
13.00 Lunch break
15.00 Anatomy and standard scans of the hip Peter Mandl
15.20 Life demonstration hip Peter Mandl
15.30 Normal hip Hands-on scanning
16.30 Coffee break
16.45 Anatomy and standard scans of the knee Esperanza Naredo
17.15 Life demonstration knee Esperanza Naredo
17.30-19.00 Hands-on scanning
19.30 Dinner


Saturday, 29th April

Topic Speaker
9.00 Anatomy and standard scans of the feet and toes Nevsun Inanc
9.30 Life demonstration feet and toes Nevsun Inanc
9.45 Normal feet Hands-on scanning
11.15 Coffee break
11.30 Basic pathology in rheumatology Peter Mandl
12.00 Basic pathology in rheumatology Hands-on scanning
13.30 Evaluation / Sono-quiz Salih Pay
14.00 End of the course Ender Terzioglu



Total time Live demo Hands-on scanning
Thursday 8:00 0:20 3:45
Friday 8:00 0:50 5:00
Saturday 5:00 0:15 3:00
Total 21:00 1:25 11:45


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