EUROSON PoC-US SCHOOL: The Point of Care Ultrasonography in Primary Medicine and Ambulatory Healthcare – Updates and Perspectives
We have the great pleasure to announce the forthcoming EUROSON PoC-US SCHOOL Hybrid Conference, 3rd Edition taking place at Vienna University of Medicine, Austria, on 09-10 September 2022, chaired by Dr. Mihai Iacob, EUVEKUS President.
We would like to invite you to be a participant at this premier event.
If you are available, we hope you would be interested and able to take part in this Conference and your presence honors us.
About the Conference
The Hybrid Conference is organized by EUVEKUS – The European Ultrasound Working Group in Ambulatory Healthcare, EFSUMB endorsed and supported by WONCA Europe.
The theme of the Conference, The Point of Care Ultrasonography in Primary Medicine and Ambulatory Healthcare – Updates and Perspectives, reflects the collaboration to advance common approaches aimed to improve early diagnostic through ultrasonography techniques.
EUROSON PoC-US SCHOOL 2022 will host over 100 delegates and approximately 10 world-renowned faculty from Europe.
The meeting will provide participants with a unique opportunity for sharing knowledge, and skills through workshops.
Actually when we have advanced and relatively cheap ultrasound devices, and high-performance technology with artificial intelligence or some smart software using updated diagnostic algorithms, it’s time to complete the classic clinical examination (by history, inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation) with the new clinical-ultrasound examination that currently allows us to visualize through ultrasound most organs and tissues of the human body(US-inspection), along with electronic ultrasound palpation through ultrasonographic elastography method(US-palpation), but also with the electronic auscultation through the Doppler Triplex technique(US-auscultation) to increase the diagnostic accuracy in primary and outpatient healthcare.
In addition, this activity will provide a platform for networking with many of Europe’s leading experts, focusing on reviewing and assessing best practices in ultrasonography. The meeting program will include presentations, hands-on training, and several informal social gatherings.
The Euroson POCUS School Vienna conference, from 9-10 September 2022, is EACCME accredited with 16 CME credits and by the Austrian Medical College (where participants will receive 20 Points in Austria).
The topic of Euroson POCUS School Vienna 2022:
T.1. The new concept of clinical-ultrasound examination in current medical practice.The contribution and limits of clinical ultrasonography in diagnosis.
T.2. Introduction to general ultrasonography based on sections and standardized plans for the daily practice of clinical ultrasound.
T.3. The PoC- US applications- The basic ultrasound diagnosis in abdominal and pelvic pathology – an efficient tool diagnosis for the family physicians’ practice. Examination Technique and Sono-anatomy
T.4. Syndrome-focused ultrasonography
T.5. Ultrasonography of the upper abdominal floor.
T.6. Ultrasonography of the digestive tract and retroperitoneal space.
T.7. Pelvic and peritoneal serous ultrasound
T.8. Cervical ultrasonography. Introduction to the Thyroid Clinical Ultrasound.
T.9. FOCUS (Focused Cardiac Ultrasound) or Rapid Cardiac Assessment (RCA). Basic Cardiac Ultrasound for non-cardiologists.
T.10. FAST Exam – Focused Abdominal Sonography in Trauma. Ultrasound in an emergency.
T.11. Breast ultrasound. The role of breast ultrasonography in the investigation of the fibro-glandular breast in young women. Introduction to the ductal and conventional clinical ultrasound.
T.12. Thoracic ultrasonography.
T.13. Ultrasound-based Elastography. Strain Elastography as a useful tool in daily practice.
T.14. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a means of support in the practice of clinical ultrasonography by general practitioners.
The Conference Venue will be in the same building at the University of Medicine in Vienna, where we have previously organized a successful Euroson POCUS School under the auspices of EFSUMB. (Universitätszahnklinik Wien, Sensengasse 2A, 1090 Vienna, Austria,
The main objective of EUVEKUS is the close collaboration with EFSUMB and WONCA Europe including its networks such as EGPRN (European General Practice Research Network), EURACT (European Academy of Teachers in Family Medicine), EQUIP, or EURIPA to create a network platform for the professional training of family doctors at the European level through close participation and opening to POCUS uses in the daily practice.