CEUS Webinar Series: CEUS for renal and fallopian tube disease
The EFSUMB Webinar (CEUS Series) event, 'CEUS for renal and fallopian tube disease', takes place on Thursday 24 October at 11.00 CEST (18.00 Beijing time), moderated by Prof. Vito Cantisani, EFSUMB President Elect and hosted on behalf of EFSUMB.
Please view the speakers and register below ...
Pre-operative prediction of invasiveness in Renal Cell Carcinoma: the role of conventional ultrasound and CEUS
Learning Objectives:
- the definition of invasive renal cell carcinoma (RCC);
- conventional ultrasound and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) to evaluate RCC;
- conventional ultrasound and CEUS features of invasive RCC.
SPEAKER: Yiru Wang
Evaluation of renal microperfusion in diabetic patients
Learning Objectives:
- CEUS could evaluate the decrease in renal blood perfusion in patients with diabetic nephropathy (DN).
- The CEUS parameters such as PE and AUC could be useful parameters for early diagnosis and staging diagnosis potential of DN.
- The CEUS parameters of the cortex could reflect pathological characteristics, especially changes in glomerular lesions. It can be a potential methods for evaluating the progress of glomerular lesions for DN patients.
SPEAKER: Xinling Zhang
Hystero-Salpingo Contrast Sonography (HyCoSy) for the assessment of fallopian tube patency
Learning Objectives:
- the configuration and amount of contrast medium
- the procedure of 4D-Hycosy
- some tips of 4D-Hycosy