EUROSON SCHOOL: Euroson POCUS School Vienna 2024, 5th Edition
Euroson POCUS School Vienna 2024, 5th Edition
6-7. September 2024
University of Medicine in Vienna
POCUS in current medical practice in Frontline Physicians from Primary and Ambulatory Healthcare.
We have the great pleasure of announcing the forthcoming Euroson PoC-US SCHOOL Vienna 2024, Hybrid Conference, 5th Edition taking place at Vienna University of Medicine, Austria, on 06-07th September 2024, chaired by Dr. Mihai Iacob, EUVEKUS President.
The theme of the Euroson POCUS SCHOOL Vienna 2024, 5th Edition will be: „The POCUS Curriculum and Guidelines in Frontline Physicians as a Daily Practice.”
The Hybrid Conference is organized by EUVEKUS /EADUS – The European Ultrasound Working Group in Primary and Ambulatory Healthcare, EFSUMB endorsed and supported by WONCA Europe. The Euroson POCUS School Conference will reflect the collaboration to advance common approaches and POCUS skills in frontline physicians aimed to improve early diagnosis through ultrasonography techniques and will host over 120 delegates and approximately 12 world-renowned faculty from Europe.
Prof Caroline Ewertsen – EFSUMB President and Prof. Shlomo Vinker, the President of WONCA Europe have already confirmed their participation as our International Keynote Speakers.
The meeting will provide participants with a unique opportunity for sharing knowledge, and skills through Hands on workshops.
Recently, family medicine has become the foundation of modern medical systems that represent the interface with the patient, turning into a proactive medical specialty, approaching medicine holistically, comprehensively, integrated, and centered on the patient to preserve the health of the people in care through the development of prophylactic services as well as active monitoring of acute or chronic diseases.
More than 2400 years of holistic medical practice in classical general medicine have passed since Hippocrates (c. 450—c. 380 B.C.E.) who wrote the treatise “Corpus Hippocraticum” which contains a wealth of information on biomedical methodology and provides one of the first codes of professional ethics valid up to now, with real benefits in the life or health of our patients with receipts that are always kept up-to-date. In addition to the practical clinical skills of family doctors / GPs who obtain extremely valuable information for diagnosis in terms of patient history, anamnesis, and classic clinical examination, we believe that the time has come to try to upgrade the classic standard procedures and to revolutionize first-line medicine through certain modern procedures that allow us an ultrasound visualization of the entire organism and most of the organs of the human body, through multiparametric imaging techniques that have proven their necessity but especially their benefits in multiple medical specialties and which are indispensable for them today.
For example, we actually couldn’t conceive a specialist cardiologist or gynecologist who does not currently practice clinical ultrasonography for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
Our presentations will try to allow you to understand at a basic level the role and limits of POCUS in symptomatic patients from different medical fields frequently encountered in the practice of family doctors: gastroenterology, nephrology, pulmonology, cardiology, etc, to be able to easily establish both the positive and differential diagnosis.
Currently, the EFSUMB POCUS Task Force Group is working on a new Curriculum in primary healthcare, which will allow the acquisition of practical skills with a diagnostic purpose and which will be presented by the authors at the Euroson POCUS School event from Vienna, 5th Edition.
We consider this Euroson POCUS School extremely necessary, which will promote ABC Point of Care Ultrasound POCUS courses for the practice of family doctors / GPs and the faster diagnosis of various medical organ pathologies, carried out in the medical office for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
We have organized sections for online physicians both for the beginner and advanced level.
In addition, this activity will provide a platform for networking with many of Europe’s leading experts, focusing on reviewing and assessing best practices in ultrasonography. The meeting program will include presentations, hands-on training, and several informal social gatherings.
We were waiting for you to participate in the Euroson POCUS School Vienna Conference, 5th Edition to open the doors of new diagnostic opportunities for frontline physicians in primary healthcare and specialty outpatients.