List of Levels’ 1,2 & 3 Sonographers in Europe
List of level 1 and 2 Sonographers in Europe
- Marcos Cerqueira
- Carlos Manuel Feced Olmos
- Diego Saaibi
- Orlando Villota
- Otto Olivas-Vergara
- Andrea Di Matteo
- Valentina Lato
- Alessandro Ciapetti
- Edoardo Cipolletta
- Stefano Guerrasio
- Ryo Rokutanda
- Dr Helen Harris (Fife)
- Dr Rainer Klocke (Dudley)
- Dr Anupam Paul (Middlesbrough)
- Dr Susan Earl (Devon and Exeter)
- Dr Sarang Chitale (level 2) (Wigan and Leigh)
- Dr Andrew Russell (level 1) (Carlisle)
- Dr Sanjay Pathare (level 1) (South Tees)
- Dr Hazem Youssef (level 2) (Aberdeen)
- Dr Ismael Atchia (level 2) (Newcastle)
- Dr Ravik Mascarenhas (Devon and Exeter)
- Dr Lucy Maggiori (Dumfries)
- Dr Neil McKay (Edinburgh)
- Dr Mhairi Brandon (level 1) (Glasgow)
- Dr Sarang Chitale (Wigan and Leigh)
- Dr Hazem Youssef (Aberdeen)
- Dr Nicola Alcorn (level 2) (Aberdeen)
Dr Andrew Melville (level 1) (Glasgow)
Dr Karen Donaldson (level 1) (Lanarkshire)
- Dr Ashley Elliott (level 1) (Belfast)
- Dr Qasim Akram (level 2)
Republic of Ireland
- Dr Ronan Mullan (level 1) (Dublin)
- Dr Diana Gheta (level 1) (Dublin)
- Dr Sonia Sundanum (level 1) (Dublin)
- Dr Colm Kirby (level 1) (Dublin)
- Dr Alwin Sebastian (level 1) (Limerick)
- KD Dr. med. Giorgio Tamborrini (level 1,2,3) (Basel,
- PD Dr. med. Raphael Micheroli, (level 1,2,3) (Basel, Zürich)
- PD med. Hans-Rudolf Ziswiler, (level 1,2,3) (Bern)
- Dr. med. Stefano Bianchi, (level 1,2,3) (Geneva)
- Dr. med. Erik Deman, (level 1,2,3) (Basel)
- Dr. med. Mihaela Stegert, (level 1,2) (Basel)
- KD med. Sandra Blumhart, (level 1,2) (Zürich)
- Dr. med. Andreas Krebs, (level 1,2) (Zürich)
- Dr. med. Andrea Stärkle-Bär, (level 1,2) (Uster)
- Dr. med. Michael Andor, (level 1,2) (Uster)
- Dr. med. Christian Marx, (level 1,2) (Uster)
- Dr. med. Gion Caliezi, (level 1,2) (Bern)
List of level 3 Sonographers in Europe
- Peter Mandl, MD, PhD, Division of Rheumatology, 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, 18-20 Währinger Gürtel, 1090 Vienna (EFSUMB level 3, EULAR teacher)
- Christian Dejaco, PhD, Medizinische Universität Graz, Auenbruggerplaz 15, 8036 Graz, Austria (EFSUMB level 3, EULAR teacher)
- Christina Duftner, Austria (EULAR teacher)
- Rusmir Husic, Austria (EULAR teacher)
- Maria Stoenoiu
- Rodina Nestorova, MD, RheumatologistRheumatologyCentre St. Irina,Director ofthe Centre 5 Jeko voivoda Str, Darvenitza, Sofia 1756
- Lene Terslev, MD, PhD, Center for Rheumatology and Spine Diseases, Copenhagen University Hospital atGlostrup, Nordre Ringvej 57, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark
- Marcin Szkudlarek, MD, PhD, Department of Rheumatology, University of Copenhagen Hospital at Køge, Lykkebækvej 1, 4600 Køge, Denmark
- Søren Torp-Pedersen, MD, Department of Diagnostics Radiology Section, Glostrup Hospital, Nordre Ringvej 57, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark
- Maria Antonietta D'Agostino, MD, PhD, Professor of Rheumatology, Rheumatology Department, Ambroise Paré Hospital, APHP Université Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, Inserm U987, 9 avenue Charles de Gaulles, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France
- Frédérique Gandjbakhch, MD, Univ Pierre etMarie Curie – Paris 6, Sorbonne Universités, GRC-08 (EEMOIS); APHP, Rheumatology Dept., Pitié Salpêtrière UniversityHospital,85 boulevard de l’hopital, 75013 Paris, France
- Sandrine Jousse-Joulin, MD, Rheumatologist, musculoskeletal sonographer, Cavale blanche university hospital, 29200 BREST, France
- Juhani Koski, MD, PhD, consulting rheumatologist, Mikkeli Central Hospital, Porrassalmenkatu 35-37, 50100 Mikkeli, Finland
- Herbert Kellner
- Wolfgang Hartung
- Marina Backhaus, Prof, MD, Park-Klinik Weißensee Berlin, Department of Rheumatologyand Clinical Immunology, 80, D-13086 Berlin, Germany
- Wolfgang A. Schmidt,, Immanuel Krankenhaus, Medical Center for Rheumatology Berlin– Buch, Lindenberger Weg19, 13125 Berlin,Germany (EFSUMB level 3, EULAR teacher)
- Sarah Ohrndorf, Germany, (EULAR teacher, EFSUMB level 3)
- Peter V. Balint, MD, PhD, FRCP (Glasgow), Head of Department, 3rd Rheumatology Department National Institute of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy, 25-29 Frankel LSt, Budapest 1023, Hungary
- David Kane, Prof, PhD FRCPI, Consultant Rheumatologist & Physician, Adelaideand Meath Hospital, Dublin 24, Ireland (for correspondence). Clinical Professor in Rheumatology, Trinity College Dublin 2, Ireland
- Gary Wright, BSc MD FRCP, Consultant Rheumatologist, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast BT12 6BA
- Emilio Filippucci
- Walter Grassi
- Marwin Gutierrez, Assistant Professor of Rheumatology. Clinica Reumatologica, Università Politecnica delle Via Dei Colli, 52 (60035) Jesi, Ancona, Italy.
- Annamaria Iagnocco, prof., Rheumatology Unit Dipartimento di Medicina Internae Specialità Mediche, Sapienza Università di Roma, Policlinico Umberto I,00161 Roma, Italy
- Tobias DeZordo, Italy
- Tommaso Buzzegoli, Italy, radiologist - Tutor for practical workshops
- Andreas Diamantopoulos, MD, PhD, Department of Rheumatology, Hospital of Southern Norway Trust Kristiansand, Norway
- Hilde Berner Hammer, MD, PhD, of Rheumatology,Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Box 23 Vinderen, 0319 Oslo, Norway
Northern Ireland
- Allister Taggart, MD, FRCP, Consultant Rheumatologist, Belfast City Hospital, Belfast BT9 7BL, Northern Ireland
- Artur Bachta, MD, PhD, senior assistant Department of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology Military Medical Institute, Szaserow 128; 04-141 Warszawa, Poland
- Margarida Alexandre Oliveira, MD, Rheumatologist, Head of the Unit of Rheumatology, Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, Covilhã- Portugal
- Violeta Vlad, MD, PhD, Senior Specialist Internal Medicine and Rheumatology, Sfanta Maria Clinical Hospital, Rheumatology Department, Bucharest, Ion Mihalache 37-39, Sector 1, 011170, Mihaela Micu Daniela Fodor, Bucharest
- Nemanja Damjanov, MD PhD, Full Professor of Internal Medicine, Rheumatology, Belgrade University School of Medicine, Director of the Institute, Institute of Rheumatology, Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Resavska 69
- David Bong, Instituto Poal de Reumatología, Barcelona, Spain
- Lucía Mayordomo, Department of Rheumatology,HospitalUniversitario de Valme, Sevilla, Spain
- Ingrid Möller, MD, PhD, Professor, Instituto Poalde Reumatología, Barcelona, Spain
- Esperanza Naredo, Department of Rheumatology, Hospital GU Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain
- Jacqueline Uson, Department of Rheumatology, Hospital Universitario de Móstoles, Madrid, Spain
- Luis Coronel, Spain (EULAR teacher)
- KD Dr. med. Giorgio Tamborrini (level 1,2,3) (Basel,
- PD Dr. med. Raphael Micheroli, (level 1,2,3) (Basel, Zürich)
- PD med. Hans-Rudolf Ziswiler, (level 1,2,3) (Bern)
- Dr. med. Stefano Bianchi, (level 1,2,3) (Geneva)
- Dr. med. Erik Deman, (level 1,2,3) (Basel)
The Netherlands
- George AW Bruyn, MD, PhD, Chair, department of Rheumatology, MC Group hospitals, Lelystad, The Netherlands
- Nanno Swen, MD, PhD, department of Rheumatology, Medisch Centrum Alkmaar, The Netherlands
- Phill Platt (Newcastle)
- Zunaid Karim (Mid Yorkshire)
- Allister Taggart (Belfast)
- Carlos Acebes (Spain at present)
- Cristina Estrach (Liverpool)
- Anna Ciechomska (University Hospital Wishaw and Glasgow Royal Infirmary)
- Levent Özçakar, MD, Professor, Hacettepe University Medical School, Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Ankara