EUROSON SCHOOL: Sardinian Euroson School on the use of CEUS and ultrasound elastography: standpoint 2022
Venue: Alghero
Time: 4-5 September 2022
We are delighted to offer free participation and hosting in the forthcoming Sardinian Euroson School, for two Ukrainian Colleagues.
Course President:
Prof. Dr Fabio Piscaglia, University of Bologna, Department of medical and surgical sciences, Bologna, Italy
Prof. Dr. Vito Cantisani, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Radiology, Roma, Italy
Course Director:
Dr. Gianpaolo Vidili, University of Sassari, department of medical, surgical and experimental sciences, Sassari, Italy
European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB)
Lynne Rudd, EFSUMB General Secretary (
Course Fee: 150 Euro
Attendee: 80 -90 persons
Invited Speakers:
- Vito Cantisani
- Fabio Piscaglia
- Mirko D’Onofrio
- Fabrizio Calliada
- Richard Barr
- Paul S. Sidhu
- Caroline Ewertsen
- Christian Jenssen
- Christoph F Dietrich
- Maija Radzina
- Petros Nihoyannopoulos
- Odd Helge Gilja
This activity has been possible thanks to an unrestricted grant by Bracco.
View full programme HERE >>
Sunday September 4 – Session 1. Introduction
14:30 Welcome and opening. F. Piscaglia, V. Cantisani and G. Vidili
14:45 How to perform a technically optimal CEUS (F. Calliada)
15:15 Methods of Elastography in Medicine: current standpoint (R. Barr)
Session 2. Liver Applications
15:45 Fatty liver quantification: current standpoint (V. Cantisani)
16:15 How to perform a technically optimal liver stiffness measurement (C.F. Dietrich)
16:30 Coffee break
16:45 Benign focal liver Lesions: multiparametric ultrasound diagnostic workup (C. F. Dietrich)
17:15 Ultrasound Elastography in the management of chronic liver diseases: which patients, timing and modality? For whom, when and how? (F. Piscaglia)
17:45 CEUS in primary malignant and metastatic liver lesions in non-cirrhotic livers (M. Radzina)
18:15: CEUS LIRADS for lesions at risk of HCC: research tool or daily clinical practice? (F. Piscaglia)
18:45 Interactive cases: learning from clinical practice (G.Vidili)
19:00 – 19:30 Conclusions of the day
Monday September 5 – Session 3. Pancreas applications
9:00 Solid pancreatic masses: multiparametric transcutaneous ultrasound (M. D’Onofrio)
9:25 Cystic pancreatic masses: multiparametric transcutaneous ultrasound (C.F. Dietrich)
9:50 Endoscopic multiparametric and interventional ultrasound of the pancreas (C. Jenssen)
10:15 Discussion
10:30 Coffee Break
Session 4. Interventional CEUS guided applications
10:50 Ultrasound guided liver interventional procedures with the help of CEUS: from biopsy to thermal ablation (C. Ewertsen)
11:15 Non hepatic ultrasound guided interventional procedures with the help of CEUS (G. Vidili)
11:40 Discussion
Session 5. Bowel applications
11:50 Acute and Chronic Intestinal diseases: role of CEUS, imaging patterns and related management (OH Gilja)
12:20 Interactive cases in bowel and interventional US: learning from clinical practice (OH Gilja)
13:15 Lunch
Session 6. Urogenital applications
14:15 Kidneys and urinary Bladder: for whom, when and how the use of CEUS? (V. Cantisani)
14:40 Testis: role of CEUS and elastography (P. Sidhu)
15:05 Interactive cases: learning from clinical practice (F. Calliada, P. Sidhu)
Session 7. Other Applications of CEUS
15:30 Spleen lesions: utility of CEUS (M. Radzina)
15:50 Lymph nodes: utility of CEUS (G. Vidili)
16:10 CEUS in blunt adbominal trauma and pediatric CEUS applications (P. Sidhu)
16:40 Discussion
16:50 Break
Session 8. CEUS applications in Cardiovascular diseases
17:10 Use of CEUS cardiac assessment? (P. Nihoyannopoulos )
17:40 Potential of CEUS in vascular diseases: aorta and peripheral vessels (V. Cantisani)
18:10 Discussion
18:20 Interactive cases: learning from clinical practice ()
19:00 Closing Remarks and take-home messages
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