Gallbladder Perforation and hepatic abscess formation in Advanced Cholecystitis: CEUS as an Adjunct [Aug 2018]
August 16, 2018Unusual case of uterine perforation by a tubo-ovarian abscess [Sep 2018]
September 16, 2018
[Took place on 13-09-2018]
Odd Helge Gilja - Chair & Presenter
Presentation: Introduction and opening remarks
Kim Nyland - Presenter
Presentation: Basic methodology of GIUS and normal findings
Stephanie Wilson - Presenter
Presentation: The role of US in complications of IBD
Giovanni Maconi - Presenter
Presentation: Evaluation of deep remission in IBD using ultrasound
Carla Serra - Presenter
Presentation: CEUS of the bowels in IBD